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KOBELCO Construction Machinery
Dream-Driven Co-Creation Research Center

Awards and Other


SI2021 Excellent Presentation Award: Takuya Kinoshita, Toru Yamamoto, Masaki Nagai, Kazushige Koiwai, Koji Yamashita
"Design of a Kansei Feedback Control System and Its Application for a Hydraulic Excavator", 2021/12


SI2021 Excellent Presentation Award: Ryota Sekizuka, Masaru Ito, Chiaki Raima, Seiji Saiki, Yoichiro Yamazaki, and Yuichi Kurita
"Perceived Force Characteristics Prediction During Lever Operation Based on Muscle Activity Estimation", 2021/12


SI2021 Excellent Presentation Award: Yuzuki Okawa, Masaru Ito, Masaki Nagai, Ryota Sekizuka,
Seiji Saiki, Yoichiro Yamazaki, Yuichi Kurita
"Effect of Attachment Predicted Position Display on Swing Operation in Remote Excavator System", 2021/12


2021 Annual Conference on Electronics, Information and Systems Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) : Kiyosumi Suizu, Kei Hiraoka, Toru Yamamoto "Design of a Database-Driven Control System for Disturbance Suppression",2021/9


JSME Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter Technical Creation Award: Toru Yamamoto, Shin Wakitani, Takuya Kinoshita, "Development of Database-driven control technique",2021/3


IEEJ Chugoku-Chapter Encouragement Award: Hanako Ogawa, 2021/1


IEICE Chugoku section joint conference Encouragement Award: Hanako Ogawa, 2020/12


HISS 22th Outstanding Research Award: Naoki Horie, 2020/11


HISS 22th Outstanding Research Award: Hanako Ogawa, 2020/11


29th SICE Chugoku Chapter Encouragement Award: Yuma Morota, "A Design of Swing Operation Assist Control using Local Feedback Compensator for a Hydraulic Excavator", 2021/1


SICE Control Division Research Encouragement Award: Masatoshi Kozui, "A Design of Digging Control Based on the Velocity of Attachment CoM for a Hydraulic Excavator", 2020/3


SICE Control Division Technical Award: Masatoshi Kozui, Toru Yamamoto, Kazushige Koiwai, Koji Yamashita, Yoichiro Yamazaki, "A Design of Digging Control Based on the Velocity of Attachment CoM for a Hydraulic Excavator", 2020/3


IEEJ Outstanding Research Presentation Award: Saori Kawamoto, "Sway-angle estimation of overhead crane based on acoustic soft-sensor without sonic speed information", 2020/2


IEICE the Joint Convention of Chugoku Section Encouragement Award: Saori Kawamoto, Miki Matsunaga, Masayoshi Nakamoto, "Sway-angle estimation of overhead crane based on acoustic soft-sensor without sonic speed information", 2020/2


IEEJ Technical Committee Encouragement Award: Naoki Horie, "Acoustic Signal Processing and Field Experiment for Sway Angle Estimation on Crawler Crane System", 2020/2


28th SICE Chugoku Chapter Outstanding Award: Kazushige Koiwai, "Construction of Database Driven Skill Evaluation System for Hydraulic Excavator", 2020/1


HISS 21th Outstanding Research Award: Saori Kawamoto, "An instrumentation for sway angle of overhead crane with microphone array", 2019/12


HISS 21th Excellent Presentation Award: Saori Kawamoto, "An instrumentation for sway angle of overhead crane with microphone array", 2019/12


HISS 21th the Best Research Award: Mikiya Sako, "Construction of an Educational Platform of Model-based Development in Hydraulic Systems", 2019/12


APIEMS 2019 Best Paper Award: Shoya Nakamura, Yasutoshi Nishi, Katsuhiko Takahashi, Katsumi Morikawa, Keisuke Nagasawa, Satoshi Kato, Kiyokazu Tanaka, Reona Takamura, Hajime Nakashima, “An analysis method of dismantling work for end-of-life vehicles (ELV) with tracking data of metal recycle machines”, 2019/12


SICE Annual Conference Poster Presentation Award: Naoki Horie, Masayoshi Nakamoto, Toru Yamamoto, "Sway Angle Estimation on Crawler Cranes with Acoustic Signal Processing", 2019/9


IEEJ Technical meeting on Control Excellent Presentation Award: Masatoshi Kozui, "Evaluation of Operating Skill for Hydraulic Excavator Focused on Behavior of the Center of Mass", 2019/9/5


The Hydraulic and Pneumatic Equipment Technology Foundation Award for Academic Papers: Kazushige Koiwai, Shinya Hamanaga, Toru Yamamoto, Takao Nanjo, Yoichiro Yamazaki, "Event-driven Torque Control of a Hydraulic Excavator", 2019/6/28


IEEJ Excellent Presentation Award: Miki Matsunaga, "Measurement of deflection angle of the crane by acoustic soft-sensor using median filter", 2019/4


IEICE Young Researcher's Award: Miki Matsunaga, "Soft Sensor of Sway-Angle for Crane based on Acoustic Signal Processing with Two Microphones", 2019/3/21


SICE Control Division Research Encouragement Award: Hiroaki Ikeda, "Design of a Database-Driven Kansei Feedback Control System using a Hydraulic Excavators Simulator", 2019/3/8


IEICE the Joint Convention of Chugoku Section Encouragement Award: Miki Matsunaga, "Measurement of deflection angle of the crane by acoustic soft-sensor using median filter", 2019/3/1


IEEJ Technical Committee Encouragement Award: Miki Matsunaga, "Improvement of the Newton's Method in an acoustic soft-sensor for anti-sway crane control", 2019/1/25


HISS 20th Outstanding Research Award: Ryunosuke Miyazaki, "Evaluation of Operability using Local Feedback Compensator in Swing Operation of Hydaulic Excavator", 2018/12/13


IEEJ Technical Committee Encouragement Award: Ryunosuke Miyazaki, "A Consideration on Response Evaluation of Machine Operation Based on Control Engineering Approach", 2018/2/2


ROOB 2017 Outstanding Presentation Award: Kazuyuki Matsumura, "視界の制約がポインティング操作に与える 影響の考察", 2017/9/1(in preparation)


SICE Control Division Technical Award: Kazushige Koiwai, Liao Yuntao, Toru Yamamoto, Takao Nanjo, Yoichiro Yamazaki, Yoshiaki Fujimoto, "Feature Extraction for Operation Skill Based on Control Engineering Approach", 2017/3/8


IEEJ Technical Committee Encouragement Award: Shinya Hamanaga, "Event-Driven Control of Hydraulic Excavator", 2017/1/20

2020 Awards
2019 Awards
before 2018 Awards

KOBELCO Construction Machinery Dream-Driven Co-Creation Research Center


広島県東広島市鏡山1-4-1 工学部棟



1-4-1 Kagamiyama,

Higashihiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken 739-8527


Copyright © Kobelco Construction Machinery Dream-Driven Co-Creation Research Center All Rights Reserved

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